I am a research assistant in the Physical Language Workshop at the MIT Media Lab. This site contains documentation of my work as an undergrad at MIT; for more recent work please see my blog.
I can also be found on del.icio.us, flickr, openstudio, last.fm, and twitter.
july 3, 2008 / having a car-less summer adventure in Los Angeles! in the fall I'll be starting an MFA at RISD. future updates will appear at katehollenbach.com, including my blog.
january 24, 2008 / spent the fall semester learning how to make almost anything, building tangible interfaces, and working on E15.
september 25, 2007 / last week PLW presented E15 at the Flashforward conference in Boston. E15 is an OpenGL-based graphics environment that supports scripting for creating dynamic, interactive interfaces to web content.